Thursday, January 28, 2010

More snow

The roads have been pretty much snow free for the last few weeks but we got some snow last night and more during the day today.  We did some errands last night so I didn't have time to eat before swimming and ended up not having a lot of energy-was from not eating or was it due to swimming two days in a row with a hard bike ride  in between? Who knows.  Anyway, when I came home for swimming at 9 pm I ate 3/4 of a sub (from Wegman's) and was in bed by 10:15.

When I ran this morning, I felt great and, again, don't know if it was from nutrition (in a good way this time) or if it was the nice fresh snow that made the sidewalks feel like grass.  I really felt good and had an average heart rate of 140 and peaked at over 160 for each of the hill repeats, which I was happy with since I felt strong for the entire 53 minutes I ran.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where you get your energy from but I would like to have some! Even your "bad" workouts are better than 90% of the world. Can you share some with your sis? Love you.
