Friday, January 15, 2010

Almost done with another training week

Time is moving along and I am squeezing in the workouts.  I have found that if I don't ride or run before school it can be tough to get it squeezed in during the busy afternoons, so I have been getting up at around 5 AM this week.  Swimming has to take place at night because the pool isn't open but that is a nice evening, climate-controlled activity. 

This week I did a one mile swim test in 32:30 which is pretty slow.  I'm not too worried though because swimming in the pool is much slower for me than open water swims because in lakes you get to keep swimming in the same direction (and I don't do flip turns in the pool- more on that some other time) and wetsuits make you faster.  I hope to swim somewhere around 1 hour and 15 minutes for the 2.4 mile swim during the Ironman.  This will depend on how much I get kicked and whether I can find the cable in the water or not (Mirror Lake actually has a cable in the water to follow- if you can find it).  I did a hard ride on Wednesday and hills while running on Thursday.  Today is usually a rest day but I am going to ride long so that I can take tomorrow off because it is Jen's birthday and I want to be able to let her sleep in and not have to get up with the kids.  Then I have a 13.1 mile run test on Sunday before starting a whole new week again.

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