Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

I ran for the first time this week, month, year, and decade- sorry, that joke never gets old for me.  I ran to my kids' school and did some hills for about 30 minutes and then ran back home.  It was another cold day with temperatures just above 10 and pretty breezy.  Then I got to shovel the driveway when I got home.

We were going to visit Uncle Jim and family today but the weather is pretty bad so we are just going to stick around Monroe County.  I think we are going to go the the Strong Museum and then get some Chinese noodles (which bring good luck for the New Year).

We finally have a hotel for the race this summer.   We are going to stay the the Edelweis Motel in Lake Placid.  It isn't very fancy but it is almost on the bike/run course and is within walking distance to downtown, the beach, and the start/finish/transition area.  It should be an adventure.

One more exciting thing, Alex sent me my first look at my personalized training plan.  I took a quick look at it but haven't had the time to really get into it yet.  Who knew there would be so much training to do?

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