Saturday, July 3, 2010


School is finally out and we seem to be as busy as we were during the school year.  My year ended in a whirlwind but our exam results were good so all is well there.

Since my last post (over two weeks ago) I have run 9 times for a total of 66 miles (with a long run of 15).  Calves are still tight but stretching during the runs seems to keep them loose enough.  I'm hoping for one more long run before tapering- hopefully a 2.5 hour run on Tuesday.

On the bike, I've ridden 337 miles in the last 2 weeks, with a long ride of 100 miles last Wednesday (after an early morning swim and correcting exams at school, it was a long day.  Today I had a nice 85 mile ride on a very pretty morning; somehow I was faster, by 1 mph, than I was last time I did the loop- maybe it's my aero helmet?

Swimming has be pretty good. I had a good swim yesterday where I felt good, swam easy but seemingly fast, and tracked straight. I've swum/swimminged/propelled myself through the water/swam over 10 miles in the last two weeks.

The race is three weeks from tomorrow and I'm super excited.  I can't believe how many people are going to cheer me on personally or will be there for the event itself but will cheer me on- I will need every cheer I can get.

On the home front since school ended three days ago, I've painted three ceilings, ripped up molding, filled wall holes, started to rip up carpeting, bought paint for walls, bought new flooring, bought a new lawn mower, and had a picnic.  Summer is always busy!

Happy Fourth of July and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. The work you have put in to this is amazing. You have put in the training and I know you will have a great tri and finish strong! I have enjoyed reading your blog and can't wait for the event! You will be so ready! Love, Aunt Jerri
