Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleeping in

I meant to get up and run today but forgot to set an alarm, which let me sleep in until 6:30- the latest I have slept in quite a while.  My only rest days are on Friday but I volunteer on the ambulance on Thursday nights and usually get less sleep than usual.  Luckily I don't have anything pressing this afternoon so I will be able to run after school- six miles with some speed work.

I've seen some mileage increases this week; I added 40 minutes to my Monday bike ride, two miles to my Tuesday run and a little more distance in the pool.  So far this week I've exercised for a total of 5 hours and 20 minutes and covered a little over 55 miles.  I'm feeling pretty well and just happy to be getting closer to the big day.  I'll have to sneak my long ride in on Friday since I have to go to the Science Olympiad competition on Saturday. As for my long run on Sunday, I might move that to late Saturday night because Gracie's birthday is on Sunday.

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