Monday, February 8, 2010

Be the dinosaur

We just got back from visiting the new traveling exhibit at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.  It was pretty cool playing the video games that let you sniff out prey and then eat them.

Along the exercise front, I've been plugging along.  I did a long bike ride on Friday and a long run on Saturday so that I could rest on Sunday because it was Gracie's eighth birthday.  The Saturday run was blustery (at 17 degrees and a tough NE wind) but I felt good the whole way with no calf cramps!  Two possible solutions for good calves in my mind: downward dog yoga stretches and/or salt tablets to combat low salt levels- either way it was a good run.

Today I rode for an hour an forty minutes before school and felt good on the ride (but the bike rides haven't been so bad so far).  Eight mile run tomorrow morning and then a swim in the evening.

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