Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day

As I've said, Jen makes my training possible by getting up with the kids when I'm out training in the morning, during the day by washing my smelly clothes, and at night by making get the picture: she makes our home function.  My mom took the same care of me when I was growing up and I thought I could still here her yelling my name when I was running this morning.  Happy Mothers' Day to all moms!

Speaking of my morning run, it wasn't the nicest morning to be out there.  I think I made the smart decision and headed into the wind/snow/hail for seven miles and then turned around to have it at my back for the last seven.  This way I didn't catch a chill by heading into the wind when I was sweaty from running with it.  My eyes froze shut a couple of times and but the hail was worse and more painful.  Anyway, I'm glad to have it done and "under my belt" because the conditions for the IM will most likely be better so I can look back at today and know I've run in worse conditions.

Yesterday I did a brick workout, which is when you do two disciplines back-to-back.  I did a bike-run brick where I rode 50 miles and then did a two mile run.  I knew it was going to be a windy day but was shocked when I got up at 5:30 to find fairly calm conditions, so I hoped on my bike an headed west (where I knew the wind would eventually come from).  My ride back was pretty fast because the wind was about 25mph sustained by the time I arrived back home.  Later in the day we went to Jake's graduation from UB (congrats!) and felt some big gusts and found that our power had gone out for a period of time while we were gone.

Hopefully the weather will be better this week.  Next weekend is our garage sale on Saturday.

Happy 10th Birthday WILL!


  1. Keep pushing brother. If there is anyone I know that can do this it is you.

    It is about time that you challenged yourself.

  2. Read this blog to my students after showing the news video of you. They were silent afterward and in awe and hopefully it helped motivate them too! We had such a great discussion about you. Wish you could of heard it. Proud of you!
