Friday, March 26, 2010

Some little updates

Here are some current odds and ends:

Recovery week is going well and almost over.  I worry that I took it too easy but I know if I rest now I can go harder later.  My calves are still a bit "twingy" but the yoga is definitely helping.  I'm going to try some hamstring strengthening exercises using an exercise ball- I guess cycling builds a muscle imbalance because the quads get stronger than the hamstrings.  

This week I got a great deal on a new wetsuit.  This one is a full wetsuit and will replace my sleeveless one.  It also boasts better flotation, warmth, and is supposed to be pretty slippery in the water.  Full suits are faster in the water than sleeveless suits and especially no wetsuit at all.  I should be able to get in the open water a few weeks earlier than I would have with my old suit.

I'm starting to begin my big fundraising push at school and online and am trying to get everything ready to go.  I ordered some "Never Give Up! No ALS!" bracelets which should be made and delivered within two weeks so that I can sell them at school.  

I was contacted by a local news-person, Rebecca Leclair, this week about getting some of my training and fundraising filmed to be used during the Labor Day MDA Telethon.  Hopefully some cameras will come out to the school and film me teaching, my students collecting money (they are psyched about this), and then a little bit of my riding and running out on the roads.  More details to follow on this.

And finally, I bought two of these little LED strobe lights from Lowe's and attached them to my reflective vest for running in the dark.  The lights attach to anything via a magnet and they are only $10 a piece.

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