Monday, March 8, 2010

The milage continues to increase

Another early morning ride on the trainer- I was on my bike at 4:35 and got a decent 2 hour ride in while watching October Sky (good movie).  Instead of keeping Friday as a rest day I ran 12 miles, then did my usual long ride (only 2.5 hours actually) on Saturday morning, which allowed me to take Sunday as my rest day to walk around on the ice at the cottage.  Today my legs feel great, not like they did last week when the back of my legs felt like the muscles were too short.  I've been trying to do a little more yoga and have definitely been more hydrated so hopefully that will be my answer to tight legs.  I'm also thinking I will try to keep my long runs on the day before my long ride which seemed to work well this week. 

On the race logistics front, the plans are starting to come together thanks to Aunt Ginny and David.  They got a place about 40 minutes away from Lake Placid that sleeps at least 18 people so it looks like I will have a crowd cheering me on (and carrying me home- literally).  

Well I'm off to teach.  I think training would be easier if I didn't have to work but money seems to have some value in my life.

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