Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My calf is tight again...grrr!

I have been following my training plan as best as I can lately.  I felt great all of last week even though my distances are starting to creep up as the weeks pass but on Sunday my right calf cramped while I was running.  I am getting pretty frustrated with it and am looking on some sort of solution.  This morning was my first run since I pulled it and I ran very slowly for 7 miles (I was supposed to do 8).  It was tight so I stopped to stretch every 15 minutes or so and it seemed to loosen up a little but is still tight.  It seems to heal pretty quickly so hopefully I will be ok for my long run on Sunday- I only got 5 miles in last Sunday (supposed to do 12) and I'm hoping to do 14 this weekend.

The swimming and cycling have been good and steady.  I increased my Monday ride yesterday by an hour; I usually do a one hour ride but yesterday I did two hours.  My schedule allowed me to ride in the afternoon which was nice because I would have had to get up at 4:30 (which is what I will have to do next week).

Now that March is here, it feels like the race is getting much closer but I'm still trying to be patient because there are a lot of training sessions still to come.  Thanks for reading.

RIP Magic

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