Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's been a while but I have been busy

Well, I haven't posted anything in a bit because I have been hopping with stuff at home, school and on the exercise front.  At home we are remodeling our kitchen so I took off from training for 4 days; two days were cabinet install days and two days were building the dishwasher enclosure and back of our peninsula.  I had to get things done in a hurry because the counter top guy came to measure last Thursday and everything had to be in place.  I now have all of the puck lights under the cabinets installed and two new lights on the ceiling but still need to do the light over the sink.  The new counter tops will be installed on Friday so I have a bit more painting to do. 

But enough about non-training stuff... I missed a long run two weekends ago but got one in last Sunday.  I re-evaluated my heart rate training zones and found I was probably going a little slow on my runs so I increased my pace and felt pretty good.  Cycling in the basement still isn't too bad; it is nice to know exactly what to wear and not to have to worry about the elements outdoors, I just hope my legs feel good once I get back out on the roads in March (hopefully). 

I ran this morning and will swim tonight (after a little painting action in the kitchen, of course).  Ironman Hawaii is on TV this weekend!

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