Thursday, December 3, 2009

First snow, modified stroke, and spin on the bike

Here is what I have been up to lately...

On Tuesday morning I ran in the first snow of the year and it was beautiful!  What an iconic look Hilton had but sadly by the time I rode by bike to school the roads had turned to slush and by the time I headed home almost all of the snow was gone.  In the evening I swam and thought I was doing so well  with the changes I have made to my stroke over the past year.  But then a fellow swimmer suggested that my hand/arm entry left a bit to be desired and so I spent the last 10 laps trying to get a new feel for the water.  I did have some good intervals but it will take some time.

On Wednesday I was back on the bike/trainer for an hour and did some hard, ten-minute intervals at or above my threshold heart rate (which got the blood flowing).  Finally, this morning I ran and focused on hill repeats- they are a great way to put speed into my legs through running without too much pounding.  Luckily the rain had let up a little so I was just a little soggy when I got back home and not totally drenched. 

On a non-triathlon note, Jen texted and said that our kitchen cabinets have arrived so that will be on my agenda through the next week or so.  Tomorrow is a rest day though!

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