Friday, June 4, 2010

Resting Saturday for Sunday race

The important stuff:
Cate lost her first tooth and did it at school.  Jen and I didn't even know that it was that loose but out it came. She is pretty proud of herself!

Now for the triathlon stuff:
I moved some stuff around this week because of the Keuka Lake Triathlon on Sunday.  I didn't want to do my long ride the day before (Saturdays are usually my long ride day) so I signed off the ambulance so that I could do it Friday after school and not be too sleepy.  Then we looked closer at the calendar and realized that Friday was Gracie's last soccer game and I didn't want to miss it.  That moved the long ride to Thursday.

I got on the road a bit before 3pm and had a beautiful day- mid-70s and mostly sunny, not too windy.  I headed west to route 19 then took it south through Brockport and down to LeRoy then headed west on route 5 to Batavia then north on 98 to Albion and home from there.  It rained pretty hard for about 45 minutes toward the end but it wasn't too bad and it kept me nice and cool.

I figure I took in about 1700 calories.  Here's what I had: 4 gels on 20 min, 2 bottles ensure on 40 min, 1+ powerbars on hour (made me a little full), 2.5 bottles gatorade/ powerbar perform, 2 salt tablets at start then 1 on each hour.   My legs got little crampy at 2 hours in but some nutrition seemed to kick in and they felt strong at the end. I also got a little full (gastric distention and all) for a while but I tried to wiggle my stomach around a little to get this moving and digesting and it seemed to work.  bport leroy batavia albion. 45 min of rain near end of ride.  All said, I got in a little over 85 miles.

Luckily someone else showed up to swim in the lake this morning so I got an easy swim in before heading into school.  My calf is definitely better due to not running this week but not all better.  I think I'll look into getting a massage next week to see if that helps.  Now for a day of rest before Sunday's race...

1 comment:

  1. Wow Brian... 85 miles to get ready for 25 miles at this weekend's Tri! I think you're ready for sure! CATE takes the CAKE this time though, it's a big deal when you loose a body part like she did! How adorable that picture is. Wishing you the absolute best this weekend. If possible try to enjoy it and focus on the transitions (my unprofessional advice)! Luvya... Dad
