Tuesday, June 1, 2010

quick one

First, a shout out to my little sister and Murphy- thanks for the donations!  You keep me going.

Second, here is my tweet from Saturday: After stomach bug on Thurs & not eating much on Fri, today's 50/3 bike/run brick was tough. Done though. That wasn't a lot of fun but at least it happened quick and didn't interrupt any workouts.

Third, my right calf is still tight and I had to do a lot of walking on my "long run" on Sunday so I'm going to skip two runs this week and hopefully it will loosen up.  I'm planning on an 80-mile ride on Thursday (in the rain) and maybe an easy jog on Friday which leaves Saturday as a rest day and Sunday is an olympic distance triathlon (Keuka Lake Tri).  Fortunately, the bike helps with the run (but not vice versa) so if I had to stop anything, running would be my choice.

Last, I did my first open water swim on Monday in Lake Ontario (in my new wetsuit) and it was great.  I'll be back in the lake at 6am tomorrow but right now I'm off to swim 4000 yards in the pool.

Hope all is well with everyone. Time is getting closer- next month is the race! Crazy.

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